Muri Bhalissa: Anguilla - Bolol tal-posta (1970 - 1979) - 286 bolol.

1970 Flowers of the Lesser Antilles

23. February WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 14¼ x 14

[Flowers of the Lesser Antilles, Tip BC] [Flowers of the Lesser Antilles, Tip BD] [Flowers of the Lesser Antilles, Tip BE] [Flowers of the Lesser Antilles, Tip BF]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
87 BC 10C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
88 BD 15C 0.52 - 0.26 - USD  Info
89 BE 40C 0.78 - 0.26 - USD  Info
90 BF 50C 1.04 - 0.52 - USD  Info
87‑90 2.60 - 1.30 - USD 
1970 Easter - Paintings

27. March WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 14 x 13¾

[Easter - Paintings, Tip BG] [Easter - Paintings, Tip BH] [Easter - Paintings, Tip BI] [Easter - Paintings, Tip BK]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
91 BG 10C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
92 BH 20C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
93 BI 40C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
94 BK 60C 0.52 - 0.26 - USD  Info
91‑94 1.30 - 1.04 - USD 
1970 Scouting

10. August WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¼

[Scouting, Tip BL] [Scouting, Tip BM] [Scouting, Tip BN] [Scouting, Tip BO]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
95 BL 10C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
96 BM 15C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
97 BN 40C 0.52 - 0.26 - USD  Info
98 BO 50C 0.52 - 0.52 - USD  Info
95‑98 1.56 - 1.30 - USD 
1970 Industry and Economy

23. November WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 14

[Industry and Economy, Tip BP] [Industry and Economy, Tip BR] [Industry and Economy, Tip BS] [Industry and Economy, Tip BT] [Industry and Economy, Tip BU] [Industry and Economy, Tip BV] [Industry and Economy, Tip BW] [Industry and Economy, Tip BX] [Industry and Economy, Tip BY] [Industry and Economy, Tip BZ] [Industry and Economy, Tip CA] [Industry and Economy, Tip CB] [Industry and Economy, Tip CC] [Industry and Economy, Tip CD] [Industry and Economy, Tip CE]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
99 BP 1C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
100 BR 2C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
101 BS 3C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
102 BT 4C 0.26 - 0.52 - USD  Info
103 BU 5C 0.26 - 0.52 - USD  Info
104 BV 6C 0.26 - 0.52 - USD  Info
105 BW 10C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
106 BX 15C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
107 BY 20C 0.52 - 0.26 - USD  Info
108 BZ 25C 0.26 - 0.78 - USD  Info
109 CA 40C 2.08 - 2.08 - USD  Info
110 CB 60C 0.78 - 3.11 - USD  Info
111 CC 1$ 1.04 - 1.04 - USD  Info
112 CD 2.50$ 1.56 - 3.11 - USD  Info
113 CE 5$ 3.11 - 3.11 - USD  Info
99‑113 11.43 - 16.35 - USD 
1970 Christmas - Paintings

11. December WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¾

[Christmas - Paintings, Tip CF] [Christmas - Paintings, Tip CG] [Christmas - Paintings, Tip CH] [Christmas - Paintings, Tip CI] [Christmas - Paintings, Tip CK]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
114 CF 1C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
115 CG 20C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
116 CH 25C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
117 CI 40C 0.52 - 0.26 - USD  Info
118 CK 50C 0.52 - 0.52 - USD  Info
114‑118 1.82 - 1.56 - USD 
1971 Easter - Paintings

29. March WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13¾ x 14

[Easter - Paintings, Tip CL] [Easter - Paintings, Tip CM] [Easter - Paintings, Tip CN] [Easter - Paintings, Tip CO]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
119 CL 10C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
120 CM 15C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
121 CN 40C 0.52 - 0.26 - USD  Info
122 CO 50C 0.52 - 0.26 - USD  Info
119‑122 1.56 - 1.04 - USD 
1971 Native Butterflies

21. June WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 14 x 14½

[Native Butterflies, Tip CP] [Native Butterflies, Tip CR] [Native Butterflies, Tip CS] [Native Butterflies, Tip CT]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
123 CP 10C 1.56 - 0.78 - USD  Info
124 CR 15C 1.56 - 0.78 - USD  Info
125 CS 40C 2.08 - 1.04 - USD  Info
126 CT 50C 2.08 - 1.04 - USD  Info
123‑126 7.28 - 3.64 - USD 
1971 Battle of the West Indies

30. August WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 14¼ x 14

[Battle of the West Indies, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
127 CU 10C 0.52 - 0.52 - USD  Info
128 CV 15C 1.04 - 1.04 - USD  Info
129 CW 25C 1.56 - 1.56 - USD  Info
130 CX 40C 2.08 - 2.08 - USD  Info
131 CY 50C 2.60 - 2.60 - USD  Info
127‑131 10.38 - 10.38 - USD 
127‑131 7.80 - 7.80 - USD 
1971 Christmas - Paintings

29. November WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 14

[Christmas - Paintings, Tip CZ] [Christmas - Paintings, Tip DA] [Christmas - Paintings, Tip DB] [Christmas - Paintings, Tip DC]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
132 CZ 20C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
133 DA 25C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
134 DB 40C 0.52 - 0.26 - USD  Info
135 DC 50C 0.52 - 0.52 - USD  Info
132‑135 1.56 - 1.30 - USD 
1972 Antique Maps of the West Indies

24. January WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 14 x 13¾

[Antique Maps of the West Indies, Tip DD] [Antique Maps of the West Indies, Tip DE] [Antique Maps of the West Indies, Tip DF] [Antique Maps of the West Indies, Tip DG]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
136 DD 10C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
137 DE 15C 0.26 - 0.26 - USD  Info
138 DF 40C 0.78 - 0.26 - USD  Info
139 DG 50C 0.78 - 0.52 - USD  Info
136‑139 2.08 - 1.30 - USD 


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